Sunday, August 10, 2014

LONDON FAMILY REUNION ASSOCIATION - Family Reunion Survey Questionnaire

 Family Reunion Survey Questionnaire
Please fill out the questionnaire below regarding our family reunion. Surveys help us plan, organize and execute better so please be sure to spend some time answering questions as best as you can. As you know, we are always looking to improve on the family reunion experience and your answers to the following questions will be much appreciated. Please be as detailed as possible and don’t worry about offending us with criticism. We want the truth, good or bad.

General Questions

1.      What did you think of the reunion overall?  Circle one of the following.    Terrible - Fair - Great - Super

2.      What did you like best about the family reunion?

3.      What could we have done better?

Planning Questions

4.      What did you think of the overall organization of the family reunion?

5.      What did you think of the date/Time of year that we selected for this reunion? Would you rather have the next reunion during a different season?

6.      What did you think of the city we selected for the family reunion? Would you prefer a smaller/bigger city next time?

7.      How far did you travel for this reunion? Did you come by plane, train or car? Would you like to travel less (i.e. have the reunion closer) next time around?

8.      How could we have gotten more people to get involved in the planning of the reunion?

9.      Was the reunion too long/too short? How many days do you think the ideal reunion should be?

Accommodations Questions

10.   What did you think of the hotel we selected for the family reunion?

11.   What did you think of the room rates we negotiated as a group? Was it too high/Just right/Too low?

12.   Would you pay more for a hotel that has a higher star rating next time?

13.   Would you like to volunteer to be on the accommodations committee the next time we are get group hotel rates?

Banquet Questions

14.   What did you think of the banquet preparations? Decorations?

15.   Were you happy with the quality of the food?

16.   What would you like different the next time around?

Activities Questions

17.   What did you think of the activities planned for the family reunion?

18.   Did you participate in the activities? If so, then please tell us which one and whether you enjoyed it.

19.   Do you have any activities that you can suggest for the next reunion?

20.   Did you like the family reunion games we selected? If so, what was your favorite? Which one did you not care for?

Exit Questions

21.   Was the reunion too expensive? Not expensive enough?

22.   Would you pay more if we increased the activities at the next family reunion?

23.   What would you do differently the next time we hold a reunion?

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